Lead generation in Dubai with the best content strategies
Do you feel lost in the digital market? Even after putting in time and effort to generate leads for your business, are you still failing in it? Now, it’s time to rethink on your content marketing strategy. Furthermore, if you’re operating in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, you need a successful lead generation company to support your venture in the global market.
But, any successful campaigns can be ineffective if you don’t have the best content strategy. Initially, your content should align with the buyer’s needs and motivate them throughout the buying journey. Lead generation agencies doesn’t craft content that just fill up the web pages for SERP rankings instead, focus on sharing the prospects with valuable and relevant information.
As you know, there are several businesses in Dubai that can’t get enough of reliable customers, funding, recurring revenue and supportive reviews. Here, what’s ignored? Before any company can grow big, they need leads to move forward and obviously, it the foundation step. So, leads are essential and creating a content strategy is the most effective way to achieve leads.
What is B2B lead generation content marketing in Dubai?
Lead generation focused content marketing is a strategic marketing effort to develop and distribute engaging as well as relevant content. This relevant content strategy attracts leads from a predefined visitor persona. The leads achieved through this marketing activity have the power to make or break a deal. Therefore, get the best leads, for better content marketing strategies.
Have you ever noticed that 30% of the businesses fail in their initial two years, 50% fail during their five years turn, and 60% of the business fail during their first ten years. In spite of several marketing methods, certain businesses fail due to
• Wrong research on the market
• Reduced financing
• Improper business plans
• No online presence
• Location problem
• Inefficient marketing methods
Furthermore, business owners or marketers in Dubai fail to advance their marketing skills. They never optimize their marketing strategies to improve leads, conversions, and ultimately, drive sales.
However, now-a-days lead generation companies provide matured digital experience with content as the king. They’re not working in a speculation on what works well or what does not work. Owing to the fundamentals of marketing, the agencies place audience needs above their promotional agenda. Such maturing content put your users as the centre point of your business.
How to generate perfect leads with content strategy?
The content race is consistently pushing up marketers to come up with new, captivating, and interactive content that cut through your audience and win their attention.
So, keeping this in mind, we have crafted some effective ways to generate leads with content marketing,
Develop buyer persona
The fundamental purpose of creating content is to reach your ideal audience. For example, if the content doesn’t suit your target audience, then you will end up with unqualified leads. Obviously, these leads will never turn into sales. So, here you’re wasting time and valuable resource to convert low-potential leads.
What is buyer persona?
Buyer persona is a profile creation of individuals interested in your brand or product. This gives insight into your prospective buyers, their specific attitudes, criteria, and touch points that encourage users to buy your product.
Some of the details that include in buyer persona are the biographical info, pain points, values, buyer journey, and objections to your product. Hence, understanding these factors allows you to create an effective content strategy that improves conversions.
Content type that suits audience
There are hundreds of content marketing efforts chosen by various lead generation companies in UAE. In spite of following all the content types, you have to develop content that suits your audience.
Some of the content marketing types to follow in Dubai and Abu Dhabi include,
Blog Posts – such write-ups add value for your readers. It generates traffic by increasing the amount of indexable pages to your domain.
Video content – most of the video content are audience-focused and increase the number of customers getting back to your site.
Social media post – such posts drive immense traffic to your website. Therefore, optimize your social profiles for engaging users and provide more targeted social media ads.
Podcasts – podcast allows you to connect with your audience on an intimate level and grow traffic to your site.
Infographics – As per research, infographics can improve your web traffic by 12 %. It’s much of visual content, so lead generation agencies take advantage of these trends.
Utilize content syndication
Content syndication is a simple process of uploading your content to the third party sites that could generate more traffic and increase engagements. When you syndicate content on site that has huge traffic, then you immediately get potential leads.
You can use netline service for content syndication. This syndicates your content in the B2B lead generation platform and therefore, you build traffic and leads. Since it’s performance-based, you have to pay only for the leads generated.
In addition to the above, avoid duplicate content issues with Google algorithm by using canonical tags. Some of the platforms that allow content syndication include SlideShare, Facebook business, Tumblr, Scoop.it, Reddit, Medium, etc.
Find your distribution network
Not only creating content but also find the right place where you place it. It’s quite significant to decide the marketing channel mix to distribute your content. We have two main channels to distribute the content – organic or paid channels.
Organic channels don’t require money to start, and probably it’s the best way to go for budget-friendly distribution. Some of the popular organic distribution platforms include YouTube, search engine, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc
Paid distribution channels give immediate results but they need money for distribution. For example – if you have optimized PPC campaigns, you need to purchase ads and achieve immediate traffic. Few of the popular paid channels include search ads, display ads, social media ads, content discovery networks, etc
However, both the channels are holistic for your business in the long run!
Captivating lead magnets
Lead generation companies understand the importance of lead magnet in your business. If you have ineffective lead magnet, then it would be difficult to find new leads even with huge traffic.
How to create a compelling lead magnet?
Checklists – these lead magnets convert easily because they are easy to consume with vital information.
Cheat sheets – such magnets offer step by step guidelines for perfect results.
Templates – As per the research, templates work as excellent lead magnets. So, find out the best templates that people look for.
Ebooks, tutorials, and guides – such lead magnets allow users to learn about your product and its uses.
Apart from the above, effective lead magnet should have some unique characteristics, they are,
- Your lead magnet should solve a specific user problem, only then it can generate leads.
- Make it specific, instead of generalized lead magnet it should be specific for a higher conversion rate
- The lead magnets should be easily accessible, don’t irritate your users through a long process.
- Make it easy to digest instead of using lengthy books or other reports. If it’s easy to consume, it will keep your audience engaged.
Optimize landing page
If the website has a lot of traffic but the landing page is not optimized to generate leads, it’s a waste of opportunity. We can implement few strategies to improve the conversion rate,
- Remove navigation page, this page can be a distraction that prevents visitors from converting.
- Include a clear CTA button; make your CTA clear and visible to grab the attention of users. Further, use attractive colors like green, yellow, red or orange to highlight the button. Similarly, avoid using colors like brown, black, and white.
Choose the best lead generation agency in Dubai
Being a popular lead generation company in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, we have skilled specialist to align your content strategy for excellent leads.
Since every piece of content has some value, we utilize it effectively. Our content strategy looks good and effective to increase your ROI and deliver the brand needs.
In addition to usual testing, we optimize B2B lead generation tactics to maximize the effect of CRO efforts.
Find the perfect content strategy to generate more leads and obviously, drive more sales to your products!
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